2023 halibut regulations have been announced for this coming season regarding area 2C which includes Ketchikan.

The limit and season will be as follows. 1 fish daily bag limit being under 40” or over 80”. This is on par with past seasons and slightly more generous regarding the 40” fish. 80” fish are caught but guests should not expect them. A 32”-40” fish is a healthy representative of the species and is also the best table fare.

A new change this season is a retention closure on halibut each Monday from July 24th-Dec 31st. Week day closures have been common place in area 3A (central gulf) but is new for our region. Halibut stock is in decline and the International Pacific Halibut Commission’s (IPHC) has reduced catch and quotas across all west coast states, Alaska, and British Columbia. The 2023 season will see more than an 11% decrease in total halibut catch equating to roughly 5 million pounds.

While this news was not what we wanted to hear we also understand that these fish are a massive part of Alaskas marine ecosystem. If the loss of a day of halibut fishing means we will have these amazing animals for generations to come then it’s a sacrifice we are happy to make.

Guests planning trips after July 24th 2023 (or any time for that matter) should contact their guide before booking to make sure all expectations and limits are communicated. 

-Capt. Aaron Ramirez 


A fish caught and laying on the deck of the ship.

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